Homo erectus multiple, done in pencil and clay.

Stages in the reconstruction of Homo erectus, skull ER 3733.


Homo erectus at Dmanisi, skull 5 cast


Homo erectus at Dmanisi, skull 5 cast with initial facial muscles added in clay.  


Homo erectus at Dmanisi, skull 5 after further musculature has been added in clay. 


Homo erectus at Dmanisi, skull 5 with full clay reconstruction.

Sahelanthropus tchadensis reconstruction process

Sahelanthropus tchadensis reconstruction process


From cast of the skull to the final Homo naledi reconstruction, cast in silicone, with hair punched in and artificial eyes implanted.

Img 983 A afarensis male based on AL 444 reconstruction process.jpg

A afarensis male based on AL 444 reconstruction process